
下村 有美
東京工業大学, 大学院総合理工学研究科, 人間環境システム専攻(博士後期課程), 2006年3月 修了
2006年4月 ~ 2007年2月
岡山大学資源生物科学研究所(現、岡山大学資源植物科学研究所), 微生物機能開発グループ, 特別契約職員・助手
2007年4月 ~ 2009年3月
国立国際医療センター研究所(現、国立研究開発法人国立国際医療研究センター研究所), 感染症制御研究部, 特任研究員
2009年4月 ~ 2010年3月
財団法人ヒューマンサイエンス振興財団, 研究員(国立国際医療センター研究所, 感染症制御研究部, 協力研究員)
2010年4月 ~ 2014年4月
独立行政法人農業環境技術研究所 (現、国立研究開発法人農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構 農業環境変動研究センター), 特別研究員
2014年5月 ~ 2017年2月
協同乳業株式会社 研究所, 技術開発グループ, 研究員
2017年3月 ~ 2021年3月
広島大学, 大学院医系科学研究科, 消化器・代謝内科学, 研究員
2021年4月 ~ 現在
広島大学, 大学院統合生命科学研究科, 生物工学プログラム, 代謝変換制御学, 研究員
1. Hatooka H, Shimomura Y (Hatooka and Shimomura contributed equally), Imamura M, Teraoka Y, Morio K, Fujino H, Ono A, Nakahara T, Murakami E, Yamauchi M, Kawaoka T, Makokha GN, Miki D, Tsuge M, Hiramatsu A, Abe-Chayama H, Hayes CN, Aikata H, Tanaka S, Chayama K. Construction of an anti-hepatitis B virus preS1 antibody and usefulness of preS1 measurement for chronic hepatitis B patients: Anti-HBV PreS1 antibody. J Infect. (2021, In press)
2. Johira Y, Hatooka H, Mori N, Fukuhara T, Takaki S, Shimomura Y, Imamura M, Nelson Hayes C, Tsuji K, Chayama K. Regression of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura in a patient with eradication of hepatitis C virus by direct-acting antivirals. Hepatology. 71(1): 389-391, 2020.
3. Komiya Y, Shimomura Y (Komiya and Shimomura contributed equally), Higurashi T, Sugi Y, Arimoto J, Umezawa S, Uchiyama S, Matsumoto M, Nakajima A. Patients with colorectal cancer have identical strains of Fusobacterium nucleatum in their colorectal cancer and oral cavity. Gut. 68: 1335-1337, 2019.
4. Wakita Y, Shimomura Y, Kitada Y, Yamamoto H, Ohashi Y, Matsumoto M. Taxonomic classification for microbiome analysis, which correlates well with the metabolite milieu of the gut. BMC Microbiology. 16;18(1): 188, 2018.
5. Wang Y, Uchida Y, Shimomura Y, Akiyama H, Hayatsu M. Responses of denitrifying bacterial communities to short-term waterlogging of soils. Sci Rep. 11;7(1): 803, 2017.
6. Hayatsu M, Tago K, Uchiyama I, Toyoda A, Wang Y, Shimomura Y, Okubo T, Kurisu F, Hirono Y, Nonaka K, Akiyama H, Itoh T, Takami H. An acid-tolerant ammonia-oxidizing γ-proteobacterium from soil. ISME Journal. 11: 1130-1141, 2017.
7. Matsumoto M, Kitada Y, Shimomura Y, Naito Y. Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis LKM512 reduces levels of intestinal trimethylamine produced by intestinal microbiota in healthy volunteers: A double-blind, placebo-controlled study. J Functional Foods. 36: 94-101. 2017.
8. Matsumoto M, Fujita A, Yamashita A, Kameoka S, Shimomura Y, Kitada Y, Tamada H, Nakamura S, Tsubota K. Effects of functional milk containing galactooligosaccharide, maltitol, and glucomannan on the production of hydrogen gas in the human intestine. J Functional Foods. 35: 13-23. 2017.
9. Akiyama H, Hoshino YT, Itakura M, Shimomura Y, Wang Y, Yamamoto A, Tago K, Nakajima Y, Minamisawa K, and Hayatsu M. Mitigation of soil N2O emission by inoculation with a mixed culture of indigenous Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens. Sci Rep. 16;6: 32869. 2016.
10. Imamura O, Uyeda T, Saito Y, Yoshikawa T, Ishii T, Nakamura A, Shimomura Y, Matsumoto M, Ando M, and Takahashi Y. Preliminary study of neuro-immune cross-talk by gut microbiota for perioperative management in infants with congenital heart disease. 臨床評価. 44(1): 151-64. 2016.
11. Murakami H, Shimomura Y (Murakami and Shimomura contributed equally), Matsumoto M, Lane G J, Yamataka A, and Okawada M. Intestinal microbiota in neonates requiring urgent surgery: assessing the role of probiotics using fecal DNA sequencing. Pediatr Surg Int. 32(1): 37-43. 2016.
12. Hayashi K, Shimomura Y, Morimoto S, Uchida M, Nakatsubo T, and Hayatsu M. Characteristics of ammonia oxidation potentials and ammonia oxidizers in mineral soil under Salix polaris–moss vegetation in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. Polar Biol. 39: 725–741. 2016.
13. Akiyama H, Uchida Y, Tago K, Hoshino YT, Shimomura Y, Wang Y, and Hayatsu M. Effect of dicyandiamide and polymer coated urea applications on N2O, NO and CH4 fluxes from Andosol and Fluvisol fields. Soil Sci Plant Nutr. 61(3): 541-551. 2015.
14. Tago K, Okubo T, Shimomura Y, Kikuchi Y, Hori T, Nagayama A, and Hayatsu M. Environmental Factors Shaping the Community Structure of Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria and Archaea in Sugarcane Field Soil. Microbes and Environ. 30(1): 21–28. 2015.
15. Sakai Y, Ogawa N, Shimomura Y, and Fujii T. A 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid degradation plasmid pM7012 discloses distribution of an unclassified megaplasmid group across bacterial species. Microbiology. 2014. Microbiol. 160: 525-536. 2014.
16. Watanabe S, Shimomura Y, Ubukata K, Kirikae T, and Miyoshi-Akiyama T. Concomitant regulation of host tissue-destroying virulence factors and carbohydrate metabolism during invasive diseases induced by group G streptococci. J infect Dis. 208(9): 1482-1493. 2013.
17. Itakura M, Uchida Y, Akiyama H, Hoshino YT, Shimomura Y, Morimoto S, Tago K, Wang Y, Hayakawa C, Uetake Y, Sánchez C, Eda S, Hayatsu M, and Minamisawa K. Mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions from soils by Bradyrhizobium japonicum inoculation. Nature Climate Change. 3: 208-212. 2013.
18. Okumura K, Shimomura Y, Murayama SY, Yagi J, Ubukata K, Kirikae T, and Miyoshi-Akiyama T. Evolutionary paths of streptococcal and staphylococcal superantigens. BMC Genomics. 13: 404. 2012.
19. Okubo T, Shimomura Y (49人中、10番目), and Minamisawa K. Complete genome sequence of Bradyrhizobium sp. S23321: insights into symbiosis evolution in soil oligotrophs. Microbes and Environ. 27(3): 306-315. 2012.
20. Shimomura Y, Morimoto S, Hoshino YT, Uchida Y, Akiyama H, and Hayatsu M. Comparison among amoA primers suited for quantification and diversity analyses of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in soil. Microbes and Environ. 27(1): 94-98. 2012. (corresponding author).
21. Shimomura Y, Okumura K, Murayama SY, Yagi J, Ubukata K, Kirikae T, and Miyoshi-Akiyama T. Complete genome sequencing and analysis of a Lancefield group G Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis strain causing streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS). BMC Genomics. 12: 17. 2011.
22. Iijima S, Shimomura Y, Haba Y, Kawai F, Tani A, and Kimbara K. Flow cytometry-based method for isolating live bacteria with meta-cleavage activity on dihydroxy compounds of biphenyl. J Biosci Bioeng. 109(6): 645-651. 2010.
23. Hu X, Mamoto R, Shimomura Y, Kimbara K, and Kawai F. Cell surface structure enhancing uptake of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is induced by PVA in the PVA-utilizing Sphingopyxis sp. strain 113P3. Arch Microbiol. 188(3): 235-241. 2007.
24. Shimomura Y, Ohno R, Kawai F, and Kimbara K. Method for asessment of viability and morphological changes of bacteria in the early stage of colony formation on a simulated natural environment. Appl Environ Microbiol. 72(7): 5037-5042. 2006.
25. Yamada T, Shimomura Y, Hiraoka Y, and Kimbara K. Oxidative stress by biphenyl metabolites induces inhibition of bacterial cell separation. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 73(2): 452-457. 2006.
International Conference of Environmental Biotechnology, Second prize for Best Poster受賞
1. 特許権, 特許第6945294号, 2021年9月16日, フソバクテリウム・ヌクレアタムの菌株識別方法
2. 特許権, 特許第4830103号, 2011年9月30日, 生理活性判定方法、及び生理活性判定用キット